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"Acetone Extra Pure 500ml | High-Quality Solvent for Industrial and Laboratory Applications in Qatar - Reliable and Precise Solutions"
"AcetylSalicylic Acid (Aspirin)
"Activated Charcoal
"Agar Agar Powder (50gm) | Vegan Gelling Agent for Qatar | Plant-Based Delights"
"Aluminium Metal Powder 250gm | High-Quality Aluminium Powder for Qatar | مسحوق ميتال الألومINIUM 250غم"
"Aluminum Hydroxide Gel - 500g + E3D V6 Bowden Extruder J-head Hotend | High-Quality 3D Printing Bundle for Qatar | هيدروكسيد الألومINIUM جيل - 500غ + رأس حديد البودنáuم الالومINIUM E3D V6 لطابعة 3D"
"Amino Acetic Acid 250gm | High-Quality Chemical Compound for Various Industries in Qatar | حامض أمينو أسيتيك 250غ لقطر"
"Block Calorimeter Aluminum | High-Precision Calorimeter for Thermodynamic Measurements in Qatar
"Block Calorimeter Copper | High-Precision Calorimeter for Thermodynamic Measurements in Qatar
"Bosshead Polynux 703452 | High-Quality Industrial Fixing Solution for Heavy-Duty Applications in Qatar
"Bunsen Burner | High-Quality Laboratory Equipment for Chemical Experiments in Qatar
"Bunsen Burners With Butane Gas Cylinder | High-Quality Laboratory Equipment for Chemical Experiments in Qatar |
"Conductive Tester for Solid | High-Quality Electrical Testing Equipment in Qatar
"Convection in Water Apparatus | High-Quality Laboratory Equipment in Qatar
10m roll CH13069/2 انبوب فينيل شفاف
307 Pieces XMM-062 نموذج جزيئات عضوية ولا عضوية
500 gm | High-Purity Chemical for Synthesis and Research Applications in Qatar - Reliable and Precise Solutions"
500ml in Qatar | High-Quality Solvent for Laboratory and Industrial Use
6-Diaminohexane-100g in Qatar | High-Quality Chemical Compound for Research and Industrial Use
6-Diaminohexane-25g in Qatar | High-Quality Chemical Compound for Research and Development
6-Dichlorophenol Indophenol (DCPIP) 125ml in Qatar - High Purity Chemical Reagent for Laboratory Use
98% 250ml - High-Purity Chemical Solvent in Qatar
Acetic Acid Glacial AR1 500ml | High-Purity Chemical Reagent for Industrial and Laboratory Applications in Qatar - Reliable and Precise Chemical Solutions"
Acetic Acid Glacial AR1 500ml | High-Purity Chemical Reagent for Industrial and Laboratory Applications in Qatar"
Acetone AR 2.5L | High-Purity Solvent for Industrial and Laboratory Applications in Qatar - Reliable and Efficient Solutions"
Activated Charcoal 500 g | High-Quality Odor Control and Detoxification Solution for Qatar"
Agar Agar Powder (100gm) | Vegan Gelling Agent for Qatar"
Alcohol Lamp (India) | Portable and Efficient Lighting for Qatar | موقد كحولي محمول وكفء"
Alcohol lamp (india) موقد كحولي
Aluminium Hydroxide Powder - 500g | High-Quality Aluminium Hydroxide Powder for Qatar | مسحوق هيدروكسيد الألومINIUM - 500غ"
Aluminium Metal Powder 500g | High-Quality Aluminium Powder for Qatar | مسحوق ميتال الألومINIUM 500غ"
Aluminium Nitrate 500gm | High-Quality Aluminium Nitrate for Qatar | نترات الألومINIUM 500غ"
Aluminium Oxide Neutral - 500gm | High-Quality Aluminium Oxide Powder for Qatar | أكسيد الألومINIUM المحايد - 500غ"
Ammonia Solution 25% 500mL (India) | High-Quality Chemical Solution for Various Industries in Qatar | محلول الأمونيا 25% 500ml (الهند) لقطر"
Ammonia Solution 28-30% 500ml | High-Quality Chemical Solution for Various Industries in Qatar | محلول الأمونيا 28-30% 500ml لقطر"
and Design Projects
Antibacterial filter 453046
Antibacterial Filter 453046 | High-Quality Air Purification Filter for Healthy Indoor Air in Qatar | فلتر مكافحة البكتيريا 453046 للهواء النقي الداخلي في قطر"
Assorted (10 mm) PH10035 Qatar | Durable Metal Cubes for Architecture
Assorted 10 mm PH10035/1 مكعبات معدنية ، متنوعة
Atom Model (UK) نموذج تشكيلي للذرة
Atom Model (UK) نموذج تشكيلي للذرة - Educational 3D Model for Chemistry Studies in Qatar
Beaker base cork
Beaker Base Cork | High-Quality Laboratory Cork for Beakers in Qatar
Beaker Tong 300mm CH13025-3
Beaker Tong 300mm CH13025-3 | High-Quality Laboratory Beaker Tongs for Safe Handling in Qatar
Beaker Tongs
Block Calorimeter Aluminum اسطوانة مصمتة من الالمنيوم بها تجويف
Block Calorimeter Copper اسطوانة مصمتة من النحاس بها تجويف
Bore size 5mm
Bosshead polynux 703452
Brass nickel plated
Bromine Diffusion kit PH10645
Bromine Diffusion Kit PH10645 | High-Quality Chemistry Laboratory Equipment for Educational Institutions in Qatar
Brownlee Electrolysis Apparatus CH10948
Brownlee Electrolysis Apparatus CH10948 | High-Quality Chemistry Laboratory Equipment for Educational Institutions in Qatar
Buchner Funnel Porcelain 50mm 678067 | High-Quality Laboratory Equipment for Filtration and Separation in Qatar
Buchner funnel porcelain 50mm 678067 قمع بوشنر الخزف
Bunsen Burner لهب بنسن
Bunsen Burners With butane gas cylinder موقد بنسن بقاعدة عبوة لغاز البيوتان
Burner Tripod Stand | High-Quality Laboratory Equipment for Secure Burner Placement in Qatar
Burner Tripod Stand منصة ثلاثية القوائم
Buy 1
Buy 1-Chlorobutane 100ml (India) in Qatar | High-Quality Chemical Reagent for Laboratory and Industrial Use
Buy 1-Iodobutane (n-Butyl Iodide) 98% 100ml in Qatar | High-Quality Chemical Compound for Laboratory and Industrial Use
Buy 1-Propanol
Buy 2
Buy 2-Aminophenol 98% 100gm in Qatar - High-Quality Chemical Compound for Laboratory and Industrial Use
Buy 2-Butanol 99% 500ml in Qatar - High-Quality Solvent for Laboratory and Industrial Applications
Buy 2-Methyl Propan-2-OL
Buy Pentan-1-ol LR (Pentanol) - 500ml in Qatar | High-Quality Lab Grade
Büchner funnel 723080
Büchner Funnel 723080 | High-Quality Laboratory Equipment for Filtration and Separation in Qatar
Carbon Electrode 1pc | High-Quality Electrode for Various Industrial and Laboratory Applications in Qatar
Carbon Electrode 1pc الكترود الكربون
Combustion spoon
Combustion Spoon | Laboratory Lab Spoon for Combustion Analysis and Testing in Qatar
Compact molecular models box
Compact Molecular Models Box | High-Quality Laboratory Equipment for Chemistry and Molecular Biology in Qatar
Conductive Tester for Solid مقياس التوصيل
CONE CONDUCTOR | High-Quality Conductivity Testing Equipment in Qatar
Convection in water apparatus
Crucible Tong 150mm (CH13005/8) Qatar | Heavy-Duty Lab Tongs for Safe Handling of Crucibles and Labware
Daniel Cell PH50080 Qatar | High-Accuracy pH Measurement Electrode for Laboratory and Industrial Applications
Datalogger Temperature Humidity el-usb-2-lcd
Datalogger Temperature Humidity el-usb-2-lcd Qatar | Advanced USB Data Logger for Temperature and Humidity Monitoring
Density Rods Set
Different Material Set of 12 Qatar | Educational Tool for Density and Buoyancy Experiments
Different Material Set of 12 مجموعة تحديد الكثافة
Electric Stirrer with Heater Qatar | Laboratory Electric Stirrer with Heating Function for Chemical Experiments and Mixtures - Precise Temperature Control
Electric Stirrer with heater جهاز تسخين وتحريك كهربائي
Electrolysis Apparatus
Electrophoresis Set 591031
Electrophoresis Set 591031 Qatar | Laboratory Equipment for DNA and Protein Analysis - High-Quality Electrophoresis System
Expansion Of Liquids Apparatus (Stand+Glass Part) PH20071 جهاز تمدد السوائل
Filter paper ( 100ps ) ورق ترشيح
Folded Periodic Table of Chemical Elements مطوية الجدول الدوري للعناصر الكميائية
Fractional distillation set جهاز الفصل بالتقطير التجزيئي
Funnel Polypropylene 75mm قمع بلاستيكي
Granular - 500gm | Premium Quality Air and Water Purification Solution for Qatar"
Graphite electrode L 100mm D10mm
Hazardous Waste Bag
Head Clip Plastic
Heating Mantles عباءات التدفئة
Heavy Duty CH13035 | High-Quality Laboratory Beaker Tongs for Heavy-Duty Handling in Qatar
Heavy Duty CH13035 ملقط دورق ثقيل
Hoffman Apparatus (india)
Inorganic/Organic Molecular Model Kit
Kit Endoplasticware
Lab coat for Men بالطو رجالي للعمل في المختبر
Lab coat for Women بالطو نسائي للعمل في المختبر
Lab coat size T1 150073 (FR)
Lab coat size T3 150075 (FR)
Litmus indicator paper 100Ls ورقة مؤشر عباد الشمس
Magnetic stirrer 1 L 701399
Measuring Jug Plastic
Metal blades set with wire connector مجموعة صفائح معدنية مع موصل سلك
Metal Cubes
Millikan Oil Drop Apparatus جهاز ميليكان لتقطير الزيت
Model of Molecule Structure QH3113
Model of organic molecule
Model Set Molecular – Inorganic/Organic (india) نموذج عضوي/غير عضوي
Mohr clip
Molecular model set (168-atom large size) 702082
Molecular model set (60 atoms)
Mortar and Pestle هاون ومدقة
Osmosis Kit w/o parchment paper 713896 مجموعة التناضح مع ورق البرشمان
Parafilm M - All Purpose Laboratory Film 4 x 125 PM996 ورق بارافيلم
Periodic table study kit 118 pcs CH11585/1A مجموعة الجدول الدوري
Pestle 100ml هاون خزفي للطحن
PH paper - Economical 5m ورق الحموضة
Pipe - Clay Triangle
Pipette Filler (إجاصة) مالئ الماصة
Pipette Pump (Filler)
Pipettes Bulbs (Filler) بصيلات ماصة
Plastic Beaker
Plastic Displacement vessel وعاء الازاحة بلاستك
Plastic Dropping bottle
Plastic Graduated cylinder مخبار مدرج بلاستيكي
Plastic Pasteur pipettes ماصة بلاستيكية
Platinum Electrodes 1pc CH10945 اقطاب بلاتينيوم
Play dough- معجون صلصال
Porcelain Spatula & Spoon ملعقة مسطحة
Porcelin crucible بوتقة
Portable eyewash station with 500 ml emergency eye wash (محطة غسيل عيون (صغيرة
Pumice Rock GEO1130B صخر الخفاف
Purchase 1
Purchase 1-Bromobutane (N-Butyl Bromide) 100ml in Qatar | High-Quality Chemical Reagent for Laboratory and Industrial Use
Quartz Tube for Tube furnace
Reagent Bottle Plastic
Rubber Stopper W/O Hole
Rubber Stopper With 2 Hole bottom 13mm TOP 16.5mm HT.20mm
Safety Labels (Sheet of 88 self-adhesive danger symbols) 150125
Screw hofmann clip
Selection of corks (set of 50) 703071 سدادات مختلفة من الفلين
Sponge اسفنج
Spotting Tile with 12 cavities (Porcelain) لوحات تجويف
Sprit lamp Hexagonal Glass
Star for temperature probe D1 m 253104
Support stand for Modumontage® system 703453
Teats for pipettes (Pasteur pipette Bulbs (Filler)) بصيلات ماصة باستور
Tert-Butyl Alcohol (Tert-Butanol) for Synthesis in Qatar - High-Purity Chemical Reagent
Test Tube Caps قبعات أنبوب الاختبار
Test Tube Stand plastic حامل انابيب اختبار بلاستيكي
Thermal Conductivity Of Metals Apparatus PH20275 جهاز اختلاف التوصيل الحراري للمعادن
Tubing connectors أنبوب توصيل بلاستيك
Tubing PVC
Two Prong Swivel Clamp حامل مع مثبت من الطرفين
Universal pH indicator paper 1-14 (ph paper)
Volta Battery (Galvanic cell) الخلية الغلفانية
wall thickness 1.5mm
Weighing boat (100pcs/pk)
white candle شموع بيضاء
Wide Mouth عبوة كاشف ذات فوهة عريضة
Zinc blades (pack of 10) 107205 صفائح زنك
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Measuring Jug Plastic
From QAR 6
Lab coat for Men بالطو رجالي للعمل في المختبر
Regular price
QAR 62
Plastic Beaker
From QAR 3
Universal pH indicator paper 1-14 (ph paper)
Sold Out
Lab coat for Women بالطو نسائي للعمل في المختبر
Regular price
QAR 62
Tubing PVC, Bore size 5mm, wall thickness 1.5mm, 10m roll CH13069/2 انبوب فينيل شفاف
Regular price
QAR 20
Acetone Extra pure 500ml
Regular price
QAR 80
Graphite electrode L 100mm D10mm
Regular price
QAR 15
Crucible Tong 150mm CH13005/8 ملقاط
Regular price
QAR 15
Plastic Graduated cylinder مخبار مدرج بلاستيكي
From QAR 9
Activated Charcoal, Granular - 500gm
Regular price
QAR 140
Selection of corks (set of 50) 703071 سدادات مختلفة من الفلين
Sold Out
Heating Mantle EMA0100CEB - Electrothermal 707943 عباءات التدفئة
Sold Out
Buchner funnel porcelain 50mm 678067 قمع بوشنر الخزف
Regular price
QAR 60
Büchner funnel 723080
Sold Out
Quartz Tube for Tube furnace
Regular price
QAR 950
Hoffman Apparatus (india)
Regular price
QAR 380
Funnel Polypropylene قمع بلاستيكي
From QAR 5
Fractional distillation set جهاز الفصل بالتقطير التجزيئي
Regular price
QAR 500
Expansion Of Liquids Apparatus (Stand+Glass Part) PH20071 جهاز تمدد السوائل
Regular price
QAR 320
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