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Models for Biology in Qatar. Body models, heart models, and inner body models for biology are available in Qatar now.
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"Anatomical Model of the Human Heart in 4 Parts (XXL) | Highly Detailed and Accurate Heart Model for Educational and Professional Use in Qatar | نموذج تشريحي للقلب البشري في 4 أجزاء (XXL) للاستخدام التعليمي والمهني في قطر"
"Basalt Ref: 506202 | High-Quality Basalt Stone for Construction and Landscaping in Qatar
"Basalt Rock GEO1012B صخر البازلت | High-Quality Basalt Rock for Construction
"Big Shoulder Joint-functional Model | Life-Size Human Shoulder Joint Anatomy Model for Education and Training in Qatar
"BIODIVERSITY OF THE SOIL IN AN INCLUSION 575404 | Soil Biodiversity Analysis Kit for Scientific Research in Qatar
"Brain Model - 9 Parts | High-Quality Anatomy Educational Tool for Medical Students in Qatar
"Chromosome Model | Interactive and Educational DNA Model for Science Students and Teachers in Qatar
"Classic Flexible Spinal Column | Life-Size Human Spine Model for Anatomy Study in Qatar
"Human Reproductive Organs Panel | Educational Anatomy Model for Students and Healthcare Professionals in Qatar"
2.5 times Life-Size
21.4cm dia Qatar | Miniature Illuminated World Globe with Stand - Perfect Desktop Companion for Home and Office
21.4cm dia مجسم الكرة الارضية
3 times
30 cm
30 cm Qatar | Illuminated World Globe with Stand - Detailed and Educational Desktop Model
4 part - 3B Smart Anatomy
4 parts QH3310
A panel of the reproductive organs in the human body لوحة للاجهزة التناسلية في جسم الانسان
Amoeba Proteus Model | High-Quality Science Model for Educational and Research Purposes in Qatar | موديل أميبا بروتius لعلوم في قطر"
and Decoration in Qatar
and Gift-Giving
and Industries
Andesite Rock Ref: 506201
Andesite Rock Ref: 506201 | High-Quality Andesite Rock Sample for Geological Studies and Collections in Qatar | صخر 安ديسيت الم 참 506201 للاستخدامات الجيولوجية والcollections في قطر"
Animal Cell Model | Highly Detailed and Accurate Science Model for Educational and Professional Use in Qatar | نموذج الخلية الحيوانية للاستخدام التعليمي والمهني في قطر"
Anthropomorphic Human Body Muscles- 30 parts | Highly Detailed and Accurate Anatomy Model for Educational and Professional Use in Qatar | نموذج تشريحي لعضلات الجسم البشري الانثروبولوجي - 30 جزءا في قطر"
Archaeopteryx moulding 506003
Archaeopteryx Moulding 506003 | High-Quality Fossil Replica for Paleontology Enthusiasts and Educational Institutions in Qatar | قالب Archaeopteryx 506003 للاستخدامات التعليمية والاحاثية في قطر"
Artery Vein and Capillary Model - Comprehensive Vascular Anatomy Educational Tool in Qatar
Atom Model (UK) نموذج تشكيلي للذرة
Atom Model (UK) نموذج تشكيلي للذرة - Educational 3D Model for Chemistry Studies in Qatar
Bacteria Model - Detailed Educational Tool for Microbiology Studies in Qatar
Bacteriophage Model | Accurate and Detailed Representation for Educational and Scientific Purposes in Qatar
Bain-Marie with Stainless Steel Tank 591039 | High-Quality Laboratory Equipment for Scientific Research and Experimentation in Qatar
Bain-Marie with stainless steel tank 591039 حمام مائي
Basalt Ref: 506202
Basalt Rock GEO1012B صخر البازلت
BIODIVERSITY OF THE SOIL IN AN INCLUSION 575404التنوع البيولوجي للتربة في الدمج
Black Wax Lined Dissecting Dish (290x190x40 mm) Qatar | Laboratory Equipment for Biological Specimen Dissection
BLOOD CELL MODEL | Interactive and Detailed 3D Model for Educational Purposes in Qatar
BLOOD CIRCULATORY SYSTEM (MANUAL) | Comprehensive and Interactive Manual for Understanding the Circulatory System in Qatar
Brain Model with Cerebral Arteries and Nerves Silicone Model | High-Quality Anatomy Educational Tool for Medical Students in Qatar
Caries Disassembling Model نموذج مراحل تسوس الأسنان
Caries Disassembling Model - 4 Parts | Advanced Educational Dental Training Tool for Demonstration and Study of Tooth Decay Stages in Qatar
Caries Disassembling Model | Educational Dental Training Tool for Demonstration and Study of Tooth Decay Stages in Qatar
Compact molecular models box
Compact Molecular Models Box | High-Quality Laboratory Equipment for Chemistry and Molecular Biology in Qatar
Crystal Model Diamond Qatar | Exquisite Crystal Replica of a Diamond for Decor
Crystal Model Diamond Qatar | Stunning Crystal Replica of a Diamond for Decor and Education
Crystal Model Diamond نموذج زجاجي ذرات الماس
Dicot Root Model Qatar | Detailed Botany Model for Educational Demonstration and Study
Dicot Root Model- مجسم قطاع طولي في الجذر
Dicot Stem Structure Model Qatar | Detailed Botany Model for Educational Demonstration and Study
Digestive System Model Qatar | Detailed Anatomy Model for Educational Demonstration and Study
Disassembling Teeth Model (4 Parts) Qatar | Educational Dental Training Tool for Students and Professionals
Dissecting Dish Black Wax Lined Size 290x190x40 mm B11100 احواض تشريح بشمع
DNA Model Qatar | Educational Molecular Structure Kit for Science Students and Teachers - Interactive Learning Tool
DNA Model- 22 Layers Qatar | Advanced Educational Molecular Structure Kit for Science Students and Teachers - Detailed Double Helix Representation
Dosing Syringe 10 mL Qatar | Accurate Liquid Measurement and Dispensing Tool for Laboratories
Dosing syringe 10 mL محقن طبي حجم صغير
Earth Globe
Earth Layers Model Qatar | Educational Geological Earth Model Showing Layers of the Earth - Perfect for Science Classrooms and Home Learning
Educational Model of Solar System Qatar | Interactive and Detailed Solar System Model for Science Education and Learning - Perfect for Students and Teachers
Educational Model of Solar System النموذج التعليمي للنظام الشمسي
Electrical Model of the Circulatory System Qatar | Interactive Science Model for Human Body Education - Detailed and Illuminated Circulatory System Replica
Embryonic Development (Period of Gestation) Model Qatar | Interactive Science Education Tool for Understanding Fetal Development - Detailed and Accurate
Endocrine System Model Qatar | Interactive and Detailed Model for Educational and Scientific Purposes - Understand the Human Body's Hormone Regulation
ENDOCRINE SYSYTEM MODEL نموذج جهاز الغدد الصماء البشرية
Flower Model نموذج للزهرة
FROG DISSECTION ARCO 4082100 مجسم تشريحا لضفدع
Frog Dissection Model QH3227-5- نموذج تشريح الضفدع
Frog skeleton هيكل عظمي للضفدع
Geometrical Models
GPI Anatomicals® Human Uterus and Ovary Pathology Model (made in USA) نموذج الرحم البشري و المبيض
Heart model Eco 512060 نموذج القلب حجم صغير
Human Body Model ( 18 parts ) نموذج جسم الإنسان
Human Body Model ( 20 parts ) نموذج جسم الإنسان
Human Bone Structures Model (Usa) 247822 نموذج هياكل العظام البشرية
Human brain anatomical model 8 parts 504094
Human Brain Model- 9parts
Human Complete Skeletons 170 cm QH3302 ( كبير ) نموذج هيكل عظمي للإنسان
Human Complete Skeletons 180 cm ( كبير ) نموذج هيكل عظمي للإنسان
Human Ear 5 times QH3310-3
Human Ear Model
Human ear model 5 parts 512096 الاذن
Human Ear Model big model 6 parts
Human functional eye (India)العين الوظيفية البشرية
Human Heart With Lungs & Larynx
Human Kidney
Human Nervous System Model B12185 نموذج الجهاز العصبي للانسان
Human Nose L.S Model B12040 انف انسان
Human Respiratory System (Electric) نموذج الجهاز التنفسي كهربائي
Human Respiratory System Model B12170 الجهاز التنفسي للانسان
Human Skeleton Model Small Size 85cm QH3302-3
Human Sperm Model نموذج الحيوان المنوي
Human spinal cord model نموذج الحبل الشوكي البشري
Human Torso without Head 69cm 512131 مجسمات لأجهزة جسم الانسان
Human urinary system model QH3311-1 نموذج الجهاز البولي للانسان
Hydrological Cycle Model QH3420 نموذج الدورة الهيدرولوجية
Jelly Fish SI-1304
Kidney disease model نموذج الكلية
Kidney model (India) نموذج الكلية
Knee joint (India) مفصل الركبة
Larynx Model نمودج الحنجرة
Liver and Pancreas Model QH3316 نموذج للكبد والبنكرياس
Lower Limb Articulated 94x25x10cm (leg) الطرف السفلي مفصلي
Lung Demonstration Model (Simulation model of breath) نموذج عرض عمل الرئة
Mandible with Hinge Buccal(Lower Jaw) الفك السفلي مع المفصل الشدق
Mega Mitochondria Model QH3224-1 نموذج ميتوكوندريا
Model Human Brain 512125 مجسم لمخ الانسان
Model Human EGG (Ovum model) نموذج البويضة
Model Male pelvis model 50114.01 نموذج الجهاز التناسلي الذكري
Model of a cut of skin 512121 لوحة توضيحية للجلد
Model of Aids-Virus QH3221-13 نموذج فيروس الإيدز
Model of Animal cell QH3216-1
Model of cell in Animal Meiosis
Model of cell in Animal Mitosis
Model of Cell in Animal Mitosis 512072
Model of Cell in Plant Meiosis 512103
Model of chloroplast
Model Of Dental Implant نموذج لـزرع أسنان
Model of Fetal Development نموذج نمو الجنين
MODEL OF HYDRA SET QH3214-1 نموذج الهيدرا
Model of Molecule Structure QH3113
Model of Moon Movement حركة القمر
Model of Paramecium
Model of plant cell QH3216-2
Model of RNA (china)
Model of skin 3D نموذج الجلد
Model of the Eye QH3309-3 نموذج العين
Molecular model set (168-atom large size) 702082
Molecular model set (60 atoms)
Monocot Root Model-مجسم قطاع طولي في الساق
Monocot Stem Structure مقطع أحادية الكوت الجذعية
Moon Phases Observation Equipment
Muscles of Human leg - 23 Parts QH3325-10 عضلات الساق البشرية 23 جزء
natural size 50102.01 جمجمة انسان
natural size 50102.01C جمجمة انسان
Nephron and glomerulus model QH3317-1
Neuron model مجسم للخلية العصبية
Obsidian Rock GEO1114B حجر السبج
Olivine basalt Ref: 506203
ORBITER (Orbital system: Sun - Earth - Moon) B19002 النظام المداري: الشمس - الأرض - القمر
Organic model - 50 atoms 702033 نموذج عضوي - 50 ذرة
Periodic table study kit 118 pcs CH11585/1A مجموعة الجدول الدوري
Pigeon Skeleton هيكل عظمي حمامة
Plant Cell model 504128
Pumice Rock GEO1130B صخر الخفاف
Relief model of respiration organs 50170.07 تمثيل الجهاز التنفسي
Replica Vervet Monkey Skull (Usa) جمجمة قرد (قوارض)
Respiratory system model 50118.01 نموذج الجهاز التفسي
Serpentinite 506227
Skull model
Solar And Lunar Eclipse Apparatus (Manuel) جهاز خسوف الشمس والقمر
Stereotactic chromosome structure (India)مجسم تركيب الكروموسوم
Stereotactic chromosome structure (ٍSmall Model)مجسم تركيب الكروموسوم
Teeth model نموذج أسنان
Tongue Model
Uterus model 504134
Vessels and Sieve Tube Set (4 Parts) QH3203 نماذج الأوعية الدموية
Volcano Model نموذج بركان
Water cycle life painting لوحة دورة المياه في الحياة
White rhyolite Rock Ref: 506224
with numbers marked to show anatomical location 3 parts
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Human Respiratory System (Electric) نموذج الجهاز التنفسي كهربائي
Regular price
QAR 1,500
Human Nose L.S Model B12040 انف انسان
Regular price
QAR 156
Human Nervous System Model B12185 نموذج الجهاز العصبي للانسان
Regular price
QAR 480
Human Kidney, Nephron and glomerulus model QH3317-1
Regular price
QAR 450
Human Heart With Lungs & Larynx
Regular price
QAR 400
Human functional eye (India)العين الوظيفية البشرية
Regular price
QAR 450
Human Ear Model,3 times ,4 parts QH3310
Regular price
QAR 150
Human Ear Model big model 6 parts
Regular price
QAR 235
Human ear model 5 parts 512096 الاذن
Regular price
QAR 480
Human Ear 5 times QH3310-3
Regular price
QAR 330
Human Complete Skeletons 180 cm ( كبير ) نموذج هيكل عظمي للإنسان
Regular price
QAR 2,200
Human Bone Structures Model (Usa) 247822 نموذج هياكل العظام البشرية
Regular price
QAR 2,000
Frog skeleton هيكل عظمي للضفدع
Regular price
QAR 316
ENDOCRINE SYSYTEM MODEL نموذج جهاز الغدد الصماء البشرية
Regular price
QAR 350
Water cycle life painting لوحة دورة المياه في الحياة
Regular price
QAR 450
Moon Phases Observation Equipment
Regular price
QAR 35
Model of the Eye QH3309-3 نموذج العين
Regular price
QAR 150
Model of Moon Movement حركة القمر
Regular price
QAR 320
Human Torso without Head 69cm 512131 مجسمات لأجهزة جسم الانسان
Regular price
QAR 960
Heart model Eco 512060 نموذج القلب حجم صغير
Regular price
QAR 168
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